Friday, April 26
15:40h-16:00h. Conference registration.
16:00h-16:30h. Opening
Francisco Javier García Pacheco
Director del Secretariado de Proyectos Internacionales. Universidad de Cádiz.
16:30h-17:20h. Conference talk
Marina Murillo Arcila
Well-Posedness for degenerate third order equations with delay.
17:20h-18:20. Coffee break – Poster Session
18:20h-19:10h. Conference talk
Carlos Angosto Hernández
Non-expansive biyections between unit balls of Banach spaces.
21.00h. Dinner
Saturday, April 27
09:00h-09:50h. Conference talk
María de Gádor Cabrera Padilla
Normas cruzadas Lipschitz y sus relaciones con ideales de operadores no lineales
09:55h-10:45h. Conference talk
Francisco Javier García Pacheco
The spectrum decomposition in unitary algebras (joint work with A. Miralles and M. Murillo)
10:45h-11:15. Coffee break
11:15h-12:15h. Conference talk
Soledad Moreno Pulido
The Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás modulus for functionals in classical Banach spaces
12:20h-12:50h. Conference talk
María del Pilar Romero de la Rosa
Generalized Cesàro means and convex-cyclic operators
12:55h-13:25h. Conference talk
Ikram Bensaid
On the last version of the Fuglede-Putnam Theorem
14:00h-16.00h. Lunch.
16:15h-16:45h. Conference talk
Enrique Naranjo Guerra
Internal point
16:45h-17:15. Coffee break
17:15h-18:00h. Conference talk
Moisés Villegas Vallecillos
Operadores hermitianos en espacios de funciones lipschitzianas
18:00h-18:45h. Conference talk
Fernando Rambla Barreno
Autoextensión en espacios de Banach
18:45h-19:30h. Conference talk
Fernando León Saavedra
Open questions, references and related issues
19:30h-20:00h. Conference talk
Antonio Sala Pérez
Some questions on summability of series.
20.00h-21:00h. Open questions session
To be announced